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To pause or not to pause?

Mastering the art of pausing can be a powerful tool in the sales process. There is however, a time to pause, and a time not to pause.

A time to pause


The Secret to Sales Success

From time to time we get asked what the "secret" to sales effectiveness is. I interpret that to mean, "How do sell everyone every time" – or something close to that.


The secret of consultative cross-selling or up-selling

There are many components that go into a successful sale and while I am hesitant to narrow it down to just one thing I will share with you a simple concept that you could consider a "secret" to cross selling success. Of course, it's really not a secret – few selling techniques are.


The Need to be Nosey

An objection that gets raised periodically in training from people that are not comfortable selling is that they don't want to be nosey with some of their customers – especially the ones they know really well (friends, relatives etc.).


Teaching Your Customers To Say NO!

From time to time I go into Safeway to buy a few things. It's not my regular food store but it is a viable choice on the days I'm out of town.
