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Phone Skills

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Term Renewal Calls with Script

Objective of the Meeting: The purpose of this meeting is to help your team prepare for calls on GIC Term renewals.


We Call Them? – They Call Us?

Today's topic is important because what we are finding out in the branches is that after a sales person attempts to make a sale/referral, if it is unsuccessful, they have a tendency to let the person leave without any plan for follow up.


Telephone Image

Looking at both the desirable and undesirable qualities with telephone mannerism projected while on the phone, as this is the only image that we create for the customer while speaking with them.


Making Calls on Delinquent Accounts

Our objective for this meeting is to discuss strategies on what to say on a call to a client that has missed a payment to increase the odds of them coming in to the branch for a review.


The Phone

Give your team a structure they can follow for outgoing calls. 

Materials:        Flip Chart, Markers
Time Needed:    30 Minutes

Introduction – (1 minute)
