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6 Inconsistent Behaviours That Will Affect Your Sales

There’s something we all know to be an important aspect of the sales process but it’s rarely talked about: Being Congruent
Congruent - the quality or state of agreeing, coinciding, or being congruent. 


7 bad sales habits that you should drop now

Do you feel like you’re working as hard as you possibly can to make more sales but somehow you never seem to “close" enough? Chances are you may have developed a few bad habits that you might not even be aware of.


Presentation Overload

What makes a good sales presentation? Many salespeople get the idea that if they are able to dump everything they know about the product onto the client they have made a good presentation. They try to entice clients with the product hoping they'll see their need as a result of the presentation.



As people get more and more refined with their sales process they begin to execute on the individual steps of the sale with more confidence.


What separates the great from the rest?

Consider this ... your personal success has far more to do with you than with market conditions. In good times and bad, top performers remain top performers. Why? There has been an enormous amount of study into what accounts for the huge variances in sales success from one individual to another.
