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Teaching Your Customers To Say NO!

From time to time I go into Safeway to buy a few things. It's not my regular food store but it is a viable choice on the days I'm out of town.



We talk a lot in our training, newsletters and sales meeting agendas about conducting a good interview that focuses on getting a client to acknowledge a need before we present a product.


Pro's and Con's of Campaigns

Campaigns are a way of life for most financial institutions. When something needs to get sold there is nothing like a good old marketing blitz to make it happen.


New Account Manager Introduction Call

The main idea behind making a new account manager call is to introduce oneself to the client. That objective makes total sense if your account managers are in the practice of regularly (2 x per year min.) calling their clients in a follow up capacity.


Just Ask

I was in a computer store the other looking at buying a MP3 player. Expecting the worse, I was hoping to be able to decipher the jargon I expected would be coming my way via the sales person and still be able to make an educated decision at the end of it all.
