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Creating Urgency

Sales managers are always talking about it like you're suppose to be able to wave a magic wand and get people to buy on command. I remember a situation early in my sales career when we were having a particularly slow month.


Avoiding the Procrastination Objections

There are many reasons why people procrastinate when buying your products: they might not like the rate, they may not think the product you selected will work for them, and/or they might not like you or your company.


The secret of consultative cross-selling or up-selling

The secret of consultative cross-selling or up-selling


Lessons from CTC

Fusion Sales Tips - Lessons from CTC


Have a Plan for RSP season

Many branches or individuals head into RSP season late and with no plan. They decide that they will get after it in late January when most of their clients start asking about RSP's and retirement planning. The successful individuals really start to prepare much sooner than that.
