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Why Product Dump Works … and Doesn't

For any of you that have been trained by a Fusion Performance Group consultant you'll know that we rail against the concept of product dump. For clarity purposes, product dump occurs when a sales person suggests a product to a client before knowing whether the client needs it or not.


Why Product Dump Works – and Does Not

1. To acknowledge that the sales strategy of product dump does work for certain sales situations
2. To discuss why it works and why we still need to avoid it.


Increase your confidence in selling

Why is it that when a client walks into our branch and tells us they have some money to invest we typically have no problem selling to them?


Why Do We Work Here Anyway?

Have the team review the positives about working where they do and to lead them to the conclusion that there is a good reason why goals need to be constantly increasing.

Materials: Flip Chart, Markers

Time Needed: 20 Minutes

SME 0407-02


Why Do They Buy?

Identify the top reasons why our customers buy from us and how we can even further the effectiveness of those reasons.

Materials:                 Flip Chart, Markers
Time Needed:          18 Minutes
SME 1004-02
