Dealing with Call Reluctance and Scripts
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Some Hints on How to Help Someone Overcome Call Reluctance:
1. Make certain they are clear on the objective for the call. Clearness of purpose increases confidence. What are they trying to accomplish – secure an appointment, just follow up, sell something?
2. Set goals with them about the number of calls and connects to make.
3. Help them to be prepared for the calls. Some things to do in advance:
• Check the attitude. If they don't feel the customer would want to hear from them then they will not feel great about making the call. Why would the customer want to hear from them? What's the benefit to the customer? If we can't answer that one maybe we should not be calling.
• Have a script for the introduction. Knowing what to say and what questions to ask will help someone feel more confident.
• Schedule a time to call. Eliminate as many distractions as possible.
4. Have them sit in on some calls that you make to model what you are looking for.
5. Give them some easy calls to make that will build their success.
6. Track and celebrate successful calls. Know the numbers – some people worry about getting a rude customer when in reality the percentage of people that treat the caller rudely is very very small. Show them the real numbers.
7. Reinforce that it's ok if the customer says no.
How to Set Your Calls Up For Success:
In addition to the points listed above on preparing for a successful call one of the most important things you can do top make a proactive sales call successful is to script your introduction and the first few questions you will ask.
Guideline for a Script:
1. Introduce yourself and the company you work for – slowly and clearly – remember to breathe!
2. Make sure you've got the right person.
3. State your benefit statement – your reason for calling that translates to a benefit to the customer. (see handout for more on designing a good benefit statement)
4. Take the curse off the call – ask if they've got a minute to talk.
Why call?
Look for reason to contact your customers that will benefit them. For example:
- Follow up call on previous service purchased
- Reminder that their GIC is coming up for renewal
- Changes in banking practices that may impact them (hours of operation, changes in CDIC etc)
Example Scripts:
Script - Follow up call to people with one product:
1. Introduce yourself and the company you work for – slowly and clearly – remember to breathe!
• "Hi it's Bob calling from ABC Bank …"
2. Make sure you've got the right person.
• "… can I please speak with Mary?"
3. State your benefit statement – your reason for calling that translates to a benefit to the customer.
• "Hi Mary, this is just a friendly follow up call to see how you are finding the services at ABC …"
4. Take the curse off the call – ask if they've got a minute to talk.
• "… do you have a quick minute to talk?"
Mary: "Yes"
You: "That's great, so tell me, how have you found the service at ABC?"
After a brief, unscripted chat about service, pick an area you would like to focus on as a potential sale (all their banking, other investments etc)
Example – if you were to go after their other investments:
- You: "We may have a few other products that may make sense for you to look at depending on your current investments – can I ask you a couple of questions about your investments?
- Where are they?
- How do you feel they are doing?
- If we thought we could perhaps improve on your return that you are getting would you consider sitting down one day with me to discuss different alternatives?"
- You: "We have a new investment product that may make sense for you to look at depending on your plans for your investments – can I ask you a couple of questions quickly to see if it would be of value to you?
- What sort of investments do you currently have?
- How do you feel they are doing?
- If we thought we could perhaps improve on your return that you are getting would you consider sitting down one day with me to discuss different alternatives?"
Example – if you were to go after their banking:
- You: "We may have a few other products that may make sense for you to look at depending on where you currently bank and how you do your banking – do you mind me asking – where do you do your banking?
- What do you like about dealing with them?
- If they could do something better, what would that be?
- If we thought we could perhaps offer you comparable or better banking products would you consider sitting down one day with me to discuss the differences?"
- You: "We have some exciting new products that may make banking for you a little more convenient - can I ask you a few questions about your current financial institution?
- Where do you do your banking?
- What do you like about dealing with them?
- If they could do something better, what would that be?
- If we thought we could perhaps offer you comparable or better banking products would you consider sitting down one day with me to discuss the differences?"
Script - Follow up call to people that have a GIC renewing:
1. "Hi it's Bob calling from ABC Bank …"
2. "… can I please speak with Mary?"
3. "Hi Mary, this is just a follow up call to chat about your GIC that is coming up for renewal soon …"
4. "… do you have a quick minute to talk?"
Mary: "Yes"
You: "That's great thank you, so I have your GIC for 5,000. maturing on the 31st of this month – what plans have you made for these funds?"
After a brief, unscripted chat about what they will be doing with their investment pick an area you would like to focus on as a potential sale (all their banking, other investments etc) and transition using the same suggested comments listed above.
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