Coaching the Buying Cycle - Asking for the Sale & Resolving Objections
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Attitude Toward Sales
Practicing good selling skills is providing exceptional service
Fulfilling a need that the client comes to us for is good.
Helping the client identify a need they were not aware they had is better and is how we will increase the value the client sees in their relationship with us.
There is no added value that differentiates you from the competition being presented to the client when we are order taking.
Look Out For:
People that do not like selling
Sales = service – go through the qualities of a good service person and then compare them to those of a good & bad sales person. Remind them that when we think of selling it is easy to think about the bad sales person.
Share stories of clients who were sold something and came back to compliment the staff on the great service.
Share stories of clients who complain and you can trace the problem back to staff that were not practicing good selling skills.
Lead by example.
Be consistent. If proactive selling is what we expect then expect it all the time.
Un-training Cycle
If a sales person meets with enough rejection they start to get “un-trained”.
They start to feel that they have no control over the sales process and revert back to order taking.
Look Out For:
People that only sell when the client mentions they need something.
People that can only sell on best rate.
When anyone asks a rate or product question look out for people that do not ask additional questions to get the person talking and understand what they are trying to do.
People that do not try to book appointments off of a rate inquiry on the phone.
Review the buying decisions clients make. It’s not all about rate and there are many decisions the buyer needs to make in their buying process.
Review what the client tells you just buy asking a question (time is right, location and reputation are acceptable and they may not be happy where they deal now)
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