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The Introduction

In this meeting you will use good and bad role play to demonstrate the power of the introduction to have a thorough look at all the necessary components of a good introduction.

Topic:  The Introduction
Materials:  Flip Chart
Time Needed: 20 - 30 Minutes
SME 0500-02


The Internal Referral

Taking a look at scenarios for professional internal referral or hand off of a customer from one service provider in your company to another.

Materials:                 Flip Chart, Markers
Time Needed:          20 Minutes
SME 0504-02


The Importance of Asking

Research has shown us that most sales people are not asking for the sale because they are uncomfortable asking or they have set the sale up wrong and it is unnatural or awkward to ask for the sale.


The Greatest Sales Stories Ever

Looking at the sales success stories of from your team, we can be constantly improving sales skills by asking themselves after each sale what they did well, and what they could do better next time.


The Delivery

What is the Delivery and why is it so important? A look at how the branch can incorporate the best delivery ideas into the sales process.

Topic: The Delivery Materials: Flip Chart, Markers  Time Needed: 28 Minutes    

SME 1106-01
