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Sales Meeting Express

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After the RRSP Season

Refocus the team to capitalize on momentum still existing in March from the RRSP season.

Materials: Flip Chart or White Board
Time Needed: 26 Minutes

SME 0307-01

Introduction – (3 minutes)


Admission of Need

Have the team understand how to increase their confidence in selling by focusing on how to get clients to admit a need.

Materials:                 Flip Chart, Markers
Time Needed:          28 Minutes

Introduction – (3 Minutes)


A Selling Plan for RRSP Season

Get the team prepared for the RRSP season looking at each component of the RRSP sales process, to ensure they are comfortable and prepared.


A Sales Christmas Carol

Learn by sharing as a group sales stories of the past, what went well and why, what is being done now, and what can we learn from our past experiences to improve in the future.


A Plan for Every Phone Call

Help the team design a plan for a good outgoing customer service call to ensure they are focusing on our customer and their needs.
