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Sales Meeting Express

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Outgoing Sales Calls (Part 1) - Setting Your Calls Up For Success

The purpose of this meeting is to make sure that your team knows the steps they need to take to ensure any outgoing call they make is as successful as possible.


Outgoing Calls – Inactive Customers

The purpose of this meeting is to design a script for our team and help them prepare to target our "inactive customers".

Materials:              Flip Chart, Markers
Time Needed:       25 – 30  Minutes
SME 0202 – 02

Introduction -  (3 Minutes)


Open ended questions

Help the team identify when to use open ended questions.Have them develop better questions they can ask specific to their positions and roles.


Not Another Rate Inquiry!

Help your team brush up our skills on transitioning from a rate inquiry to an interview.


No or Know?

Sometimes the reason a client says "No" when you ask them to buy is because they do not "know" the process for buying. In this meeting we will look at ways to increase the chances of getting someone to say "Yes".
