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Sales Process

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Fundamentals: Part Two

Review the basic steps to leading a client to a buying decision.

Materials:        Flip Chart, Markers, Small Rewards
Time Needed:    25 Minutes

Introduction – (5 Minutes)


Fundamentals: Part One

Review the basic steps to leading a client to a buying decision.
Materials:        Flip Chart, Handouts
Time Needed:    27 Minutes


Buying Cycle Overview- Part 2

Continuation of review of the Buying Cycle. Looking at the importance of each step and the potential consequences if these steps are not done or not done well.

Materials:  Flip Chart or White Board, Drawing of the Buying Cycle
Time Needed: 29 Minutes
SME 0507-02


Buying Cycle Overview- Part 1

Review the Buying Cycle and provide a clear picture of how all the various steps interrelate.
