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Resolving Objections

Newest Articles Date Posted

Introduction to Objections

An Introductory look at objections, what is our goal in handling an objection and how to know when we have overcome one.
Materials:  Flip Chart & Markers
Time Needed: 25 minutes
SME 0799-01

Introduction - (5 Minutes)


Holiday Objections

A look at some typical objections we get during the holiday season when trying to focus on RSP sales with our customers. Give your team an effective process for resolving these objections.
Materials:  Flipchart, Markers
Time Needed: 24 Minutes
SME 1204-01


Formula for Handling Objections

Help your team with a formula they can all use to when they are handling objections.
Materials:  Flip Chart & Markers – List of Objections from Last Meeting
Time Needed: 26 minutes
SME 0899 -01

Introduction Heading - (4 Minutes)


Formula for Handling Objections - Breakout

Materials:  Flip Chart & Markers – List of Objections from Last Meeting
Flip Chart from Last Meeting with Formula for Handling Objections Small Rewards
Time Needed: 30 minutes
SME 0899-02

Introduction Heading - (6 Minutes)


You Want to Think About It?

Make sure your team has a reasonable response to a very common objection. 

Materials:  Flip chart & paper; Coaching Notes (attached at bottom of this page)
Time Needed: 20 - 25 min

Introduction - (4 Minute)
