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Rapport Puzzle

Using a fun game, you will take a close look at an important part of selling any product or service is the ability to generate rapport with your clients.

Topic: Rapport Puzzle


Products on My Mind.

Objective of the Meeting:  A fun game that will help the team focus more on selling benefits vs. features.

Materials: 1 Package 3x5 recipe cards, Scratch tickets or small prizes.
Time Needed: 25 – 30 Minutes

Preparation (5 Minutes)


Product / Benefit Charades

In order to pick the appropriate product and provide a professional presentation we always need to have in mind and communicate the product benefits, in this meeting you'll play a fun game to review and remember to focus on the customer benefits when they describe the product or service.


Presenting without non-words

Objectives of the Meeting:


Present a Pen

The objective of this meeting is to reinforce to the team that selling is a process that begins with steps other than presentation. It will test who on your team still believes that selling is all about talking people into things.
