Objective of the Meeting: To help the team develop ideas to sell when times are slow. Materials: Flip chart, markers, prizes Coaching Notes (attached at bottom of this page) Time Needed: 24 Minutes Introduction – (2 minutes) Welcome everyone to the meeting. Begin by reminding everyone that with tougher economic times it can cause a slow down in the business. When that happens it can be easy for people to give up and justify poor sales performance with any downturn that may be going on in their market area. Suggest that in today’s meeting you are going to talk about the realities of a slower economy as well as the opportunities. Perceived or Real? – (2 minutes) Share that many times we find that when times are tough advisors make them worse by allowing the perception of doom and gloom to limit their sales activities. Mention to them that in Napoleon Hill’s book, "Think and Grow Rich,” he said that if you repeat something to yourself over and over - even if it's a lie - you'll eventually start believing it. Point out that when economic times are tough we find that people don’t necessarily stop buying. What we do notice however is that their needs change. The Perceived Realities – (5 minutes) Ask your team to tell you how a slower economy affects your clients. For example, do they get more cautious with their money? Spend less? Worry more? Have more or less time? How does the economy affect their jobs? Their home life? List their responses on a flip chart. Break Out – (5 minutes) Split your team into small groups. Ask each group to think about these changes in your client’s lives and what the potential opportunity might be for your organization. Also ask them to list things that we can do to ensure that we do not fall victim to the “No opportunity mentality”. Encourage the group to be proactive – you may even offer small rewards or prizes to the group that comes up with the best idea to counter the change in client lifestyle. Discussion – (8 minutes) Have a spokesperson from each group list their team responses. Discuss each group’s responses as they are mentioned. Feel free to add from the Coaching Notes (attached at bottom of this page) where necessary to promote discussion. Conclusion & Coaching Focus– (2 minutes) Summarize the meeting by sharing the quotes at the bottom of the “Coaching Notes” isolating one or two things from their breakout sessions that everyone can do to counter the “tough times”. Follow up on these in coaching. See us at: www.fusionperform.com Copyright © 2011 by Fusion Performance Group Inc. Copyright © 2012 by Fusion Performance Group Inc. If you share this, print it out, or reproduce it in any way, please retain this copyright statement.